Happy New Year 2020
The Reason for the Season
Let’s Be Thankful
Inspiring a Thankful Spirit
A simple step to being more thankful is to pause during each day and ask yourself “what am I thankful for today”. Give it some real thought. Pick a time of day that works for you (maybe before you get out of bed or when you are in the car) so that you are certain to reflect and identify what you are thankful for. It’s worth doing this exercise.
A thankful mindset positively affects our way of living...bottom line. But how?
Fall into Fall
Living Inspired
What is inspiration? An inspiration is the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions. Profound stuff! So, why not live your life seeking it wholeheartedly...surrounding yourself with it?
We are all inspired in different ways, by different things, through different people, and at different times. Inspiration is all around you and can appear at a moment’s notice. Let’s explore how to engage your inspired self.