Today is Special
A new season is here! Yessssss! It is summer. Kids around the country are all in on this celebration. If we are honest, most parents are too. Who doesn’t like to take a break from the normal routine?
When thinking about what to write about this month, I thought that we should tackle what important calendar events will occur over the summer. You know...keep it relevant. So, June means school is out, and Father’s Day is celebrated. In July, it’s Independence Day and summer camp activities. In August, vacations are in full swing and back to school gets underway.
The process of reflecting on special days to celebrate as we launch into this more-than-usual relaxing time of year brought me to a realization.The world longs for and creates ways to make a day special. Do a simple online search for notable days over the next three months. The list is long of days to celebrate and continues beyond summertime.
I mean when you think about it, the creation of events to engage and get excited about is human nature at its best. We look to make life meaningful. Don’t we? Why? Isn’t it because we truly desire to make life enjoyable? To populate our calendars with moments that count?
Each and every day is meant to be appreciated and enjoyed. It is kind of fun to share the calendar event of the day with friends, family and coworkers, right? There is something exciting about the reveal.
For us at SOE, it’s all about expression...taking a creative license to define a celebration. What is your calendar event called today? And, now from us to you, happy (insert your idea) day!