Ratio Meets Design
In the world of decals, it’s all about the ratio. At SOE, we often get questions regarding changing either width or height of decals. This blog is to help guide you through the art of sizing your next masterpiece. Let’s get to it!
How Do I Pick The Right Size For My Custom Decal?
The decal dimensions are defined as width by height. Width is how long the art is from one side to the other. And the height is how tall the decal is.
The Effect Of Size Modifications On The Overall Design
Remember that it doesn’t matter if the width or height is bigger or smaller than where you start. Why? Because it’s all about the ratio. Sizing is simple math. It comes down to the multiplication and division of the ratio; one affects the other.
What Is A Ratio?
A ratio is the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other. Height and width are proportional. So, the higher the text or image (the height), the wider the decal. Conversely, the wider the text or image (the width), the higher the decal.
Case In Point
Let’s walk through an example. Remember that when dealing with a ratio, you are breaking down a fraction to its smallest form. In our scenario, the standard size decal of 24” x 6” (w x h) is close, but not exactly perfect for your design aesthetic. You’d like to go 8” taller instead. How does this affect the width and overall decal size? The height will increase by 2”. Why? Because 24 divided by 6 equals 4 meaning that every inch taller is proportional to a ratio of 1:4. So, if you increase the decal height by 2”, then the width increases by 8”. The end result is a decal that is 32” x 8”.
The Impact Of Text To Space
Whatever text and/or image is desired will fit within the space ordered. If you order the word ‘create’, it will reach the height before it reaches the width because it is a short word. If you order a phrase such as ‘create a masterpiece’, it will reach the width before it reaches the height because it has more letters.
What happens if your design includes multiple lines? Let’s go back to the earlier example. If you order a 23” x 6” decal, you have 138 square inches to work with, which means the design will fit the text within that space. The number of lines, the length of the text on each line, and the font style all affect the layout of the design. The more letters and graphics included in those square inches, the smaller the design will become because you are placing more in the space. If you try to manipulate the ratio, the design can become disproportionate. It could appear too narrow or wide, too tall or thin. Stick to the math when possible.
What Size Decal Should I Purchase?
First, determine what the dimensions of your total display area less the amount of space you’d like around the decal. Second, figure out the optimal size of the decal given the text and/or image that you’ve selected. Third, ask for advice. Design is a mathematical science combined with preference.
Custom sizes of any ratio are definitely an option. Our Design team is available to help translate your idea to paper. Just ask! Standard sizes are there as a starting point. Don’t feel limited. If your space demands a different size, reach out.
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
In the end, size does matter. Ask for a proof. We enjoy working through the design process with our customers. Provide an image of the display area, and you’ll get a better picture of the overall project. Let’s collaborate.